Course Search
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NOTE: This tool is meant for use as a basic course search to see what classes we offer generally, and only for the three most recent semesters. To plan your course schedule, view full course details, or to see past course information, use the more robust course search tool in Wired.
- Abnormal Psychology (PSYC 260)
- ACE Personal Trainer Prep (CPHE 104)
- Admin of Early Childhood Prog (EDUC 230)
- Administering Windows Server (ISYS 283)
- Agricultural Exploration (AGRI 190)
- American Government (POSC 201)
- American Literature I (ENGL 231)
- Analytical Geometry/Calc II (MATH 142)
- Analytical Geometry/Calculus I (MATH 141)
- Applied Music III (MUSI 251)