SMC ‘Sawdust Day’ Promotes Building Trades
Communicate and be empathetic and kind was the advice architect Tony Leininger left prospective construction trades students from area high schools Oct. 25 at Southwestern Michigan College’s “Sawdust Day.” Leininger, of CARMI Design Group in Niles, not only works on SMC projects, such as the current residence halls expansion, he is in his 14th year teaching for the college.
SMC Construction Students Pour It On
Southwestern Michigan College Construction Trades Green Technology students collaborated this week with the Building and Grounds Department to pour two sidewalks. One sidewalk is in front of Thomas F. Jerdon Residence Hall. The other is outside the Student Activity Center of the Charles O. Zollar Building.
Jazz on the Lawn Previews ‘Spooktacular’
Southwestern Michigan College Jazz Ensemble’s “Jazz on the Lawn” outside the Dale A. Lyons Building previewed “Spooktacular.” The fall band concert takes place Friday, Oct. 25, at 7:30 p.m. in the theatre of the Dale A. Lyons Building on the Dowagiac campus.
Dual Enrollment Director Spans MTV, SMC
New Director of Dual Enrollment Juliann Jankowski brings to Southwestern Michigan College her extensive higher education experience and a wealth of stories from her time at Club MTV.
Faculty Recital Premieres ‘Aurora’
Southwestern Michigan College’s Oct.10 brassy faculty recital, “Danny Lopez and Friends, Too,” treated the audience to the world premiere of Holland composer and classical guitarist Dr. Robert Lunn’s “Aurora.” “Danny has been asking for the last few years for us to play a piece together,” Lunn said. “I suggested over the summer I write one."
SMC Board Previews Nursing Campaign
At their Oct. 9 meeting, Southwestern Michigan College Board of Trustees previewed the digitally driven “BoRN for This” nursing campaign, reviewed the third annual Futures Fair and presented three service pins. Director of Marketing Michelle Orlaske reported on the grant-funded outreach to potential nursing and health-services students.
28-Year-Old Mom Running Cross Country for SMC
Like many 28-year-olds, Chelsea (Howard) Behnke has a fulltime job, a mortgage, a husband of four years and two young children. Then her resume veers in a different direction to cross-country runner, making her Southwestern Michigan College’s ultimate non-traditional athlete. “I call myself the geriatric runner,” she said.
SMC’s Futures Fair Explores Careers, Technology
Southwestern Michigan College’s career-exploration Futures Fair Sept. 25 was designed to help SMC students discover academic programs and career pathways. This year’s theme, “Choose Your Adventure,” encouraged students to take actionable steps toward advancing career goals.
More Than 350 Attend First Daytime SMC College Fair
Contrary to the multitude of undecideds among more than 350 high school students attending Southwestern Michigan College’s College Fair Sept. 23, Marcellus Community Schools senior Ben Aalfs is deep into researching his path to attaining his educational goals. Aalfs sees himself combining automotive technology with business and marketing to open his own garage.
Robert Campbell Passes at 88
Southwestern Michigan College is mourning the passing of Robert Campbell of Dowagiac. Mr. Campbell retired in 2001 after 28 years at SMC as Dean of Financial Aid.